Woo long time no see! How's it going?
Pretty good! Dubai is great so far. It's nothing like what I imagined. Haven't been able to get my workstation set up yet so I've been roughing it on the Surface Pro 2. Gotta say though, even though it's such a pain to use, it still lets me get the job done. 4x more slowly, but hey, I'm not complaining. If I were complaining though, would anyone send me a Surface Pro 4?
How's the animating?
Definitely going to try to get away with doing rough colors on a rough sketch for the attacks. Doing the lines and accurate colors takes about 10x more time. So.. I guess I've spent about 40x more time on this one animation than I should have. Sounds about right.
The one on the left was done roughly and took about 20 minutes for coloring. The one on the right took about 4 hours for lines and coloring.
So why aren't you doing them roughly now?
Ahh fear I guess. I guess I'm just scared that if it's not perfect then it won't be good enough. Which brings us back to where we are now.
Now all the lines are "done" for the 15 frames and we're going to color the first one so we can figure out how long it takes and what it feels like to color on the SP2. Doing lines feels like I'm drawing with both hands tied behind my back. Like using my feet I suppose.
Here is what the line animation looks like. It doesn't inspire a lot of confidence compared to the sketch, but I'm pretty sure it will serve our purpose:

Here is what the line animation looks like. It doesn't inspire a lot of confidence compared to the sketch, but I'm pretty sure it will serve our purpose:

This is how we make the shadow forms:
Another thing I've got to be more honest about is the viewing resolution. I'm 99% positive I won't try to do a PC version of the game so I don't need the assets to be the big 3500px files they are.
Since the images are so small it's tempting to throw rough versions into the game. I could spit out an animation or two every day at that rate. I've been considering making a different game with an art style like that, just to experiment.
Next we'll take the first frame to completion so we can get used to doing things on the demon tablet. Just a reminder, don't purchase an SP2 for art!
This is about right, give or take a few tweaks here and there. This first frame was done with a typical base/shadow/gradient layer set for each part.
Next we spend a few seconds agonizing about how long this will take. Let's also congratulate ourselves for getting so much done on the tablet of chaos. I'm also a little nervous since the first time I tried to animate something with values it didn't come out well.. this is partly experimenting @_@
*time passes*
Drawing leaves a lot of the brain open for musing. Programming on the other hand occupies all of my language center in a protracted expletive. Here are some musings.
What if no one wants to play this game? Am I okay making this game even if not one single person plays it? Hmm the answer is probably no. But the reality will probably be a painfully similar "Not enough people play it to make more than 1$/10$/100$"
How can I market this game? What is marketing? It's where we build up the appeal of something right? We make implications at deeper meaning and hint at hidden satisfactions. We say why they need to play this game.
I'm defeating myself a lot here, I can't find a reason why people should play this game. It's just a game. Play it or don't. But that attitude must be wrong right? What about games that I get excited about? Why do I get excited about them? Why do I want to play them so much? For me.. I like big open world games of exploration and adventure. I like the experience. The story. But I don't have to actually play to get that experience. For me the games I've enjoyed lately have all been through watching Let's Plays.
At least I'm being productive while I self destruct~
I'm so crazy slow but some frames can be copied over with minor changes.

Looks like we're on the right track but the hair will need a little stylizing. Also I'm thinking since this will be an infinite type game that we should have 3 difficulty modes.

The intuos+surface combination is quite likely the smartest thing I've never done in my life. I had to wait until someone (thanks my lady) suggested I do it. In what is probably a first for humanity, there were no driver conflicts.
I'm also seeing that the cuff on the left arm shouldn't be so stiff at the end, it should move a bit to the right.. Is it fixable!? Yep looks like it.

Here we have some more booby bounce. Again this was at the direction of my special someone. "I wish the boobs would bounce more." She said when looking at some of the earlier WIPs. I'm not sur why I feel it's necessary to explain that. I mean I personally also like having the bouncy boobs. I guess I'm a coward when it come to sexually provocative things. Good thing she's brave! ^^;
The hair, as always, is difficult for me. Luckily most of the issues disappear at the viewing size closer to what we'll see on a cellphone. (Tiny)

After getting to this point I had to ask for feedback. Luckily my girlfriend was there (again!) to let me know the hair wasn't working for her. She wanted it to be bigger and have a nice swaying motion. I had seen an animation on Facebook recently, but as you may or may not know depending on your century, Facebook uselessly doesn't have a way to look up the "history" of what you've seen.
We made a little sketch of how the motion might go:

We're just about at a merging point anyway so we merge each frame's layers and then throw some white on top to give us a drawing surface:

And after much much trial and error I'm 98% satisfied with this one:

Well, one frame was driving me nuts. Can you guess which one it is? After chopping the time in half and making an extra frame and giving the hair a little extra movement I'm much happier.

And then much mucking around later, we have this:

It's not finished, but for now we'll stop working on it. Recently someone trotted out the old "Art is never finished, only abandoned" quote and I snorted. Scoffed. Disbelieved. Ah, what a naive soul I was, two days ago.

Looks like we're on the right track but the hair will need a little stylizing. Also I'm thinking since this will be an infinite type game that we should have 3 difficulty modes.

The intuos+surface combination is quite likely the smartest thing I've never done in my life. I had to wait until someone (thanks my lady) suggested I do it. In what is probably a first for humanity, there were no driver conflicts.
I'm also seeing that the cuff on the left arm shouldn't be so stiff at the end, it should move a bit to the right.. Is it fixable!? Yep looks like it.

Here we have some more booby bounce. Again this was at the direction of my special someone. "I wish the boobs would bounce more." She said when looking at some of the earlier WIPs. I'm not sur why I feel it's necessary to explain that. I mean I personally also like having the bouncy boobs. I guess I'm a coward when it come to sexually provocative things. Good thing she's brave! ^^;
The hair, as always, is difficult for me. Luckily most of the issues disappear at the viewing size closer to what we'll see on a cellphone. (Tiny)

After getting to this point I had to ask for feedback. Luckily my girlfriend was there (again!) to let me know the hair wasn't working for her. She wanted it to be bigger and have a nice swaying motion. I had seen an animation on Facebook recently, but as you may or may not know depending on your century, Facebook uselessly doesn't have a way to look up the "history" of what you've seen.
We made a little sketch of how the motion might go:

We're just about at a merging point anyway so we merge each frame's layers and then throw some white on top to give us a drawing surface:

And after much much trial and error I'm 98% satisfied with this one:

Well, one frame was driving me nuts. Can you guess which one it is? After chopping the time in half and making an extra frame and giving the hair a little extra movement I'm much happier.

And then much mucking around later, we have this:

It's not finished, but for now we'll stop working on it. Recently someone trotted out the old "Art is never finished, only abandoned" quote and I snorted. Scoffed. Disbelieved. Ah, what a naive soul I was, two days ago.
Whoa finally. Good job! What's next?
Next let's get this bad boy into the game! Which if I'm not mistaken is also a great time to fix the nagging "left/right" orientation distance jump.
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